jQuery and its goodies

An Interview with Hair Stylist Adam Reed

Monday, 16 June 2014

With a client list including Ellie Goulding, Sophie Dahl, Diane Kruger and top beauty editors, you know you’re in safe hands with hair stylist Adam Reed. Lucky for us then, that he launched the Percy & Reed salon and haircare line so that us mere mortals can get a piece of the action, too. Adam Reed reveals the latest hair trends, how to style your hair in 5 minutes and his top tips for beautiful hair.

The Beauty Benefits of Coconut Oil

Friday, 6 June 2014


Thought that coconut oil only belonged in your kitchen cupboard? Think again! Coconut oil is becoming a Holy Grail product for many a woman’s beauty needs and given that coconut oil is completely natural, easy to get hold of and very affordable, what’s not to love? We’re hooked.
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Natural beauty comes from within: "Feed your skin, hair and nails with the right nutrients they need to look great from the inside out" Find out more at: www.udoschoice.co.uk


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